What is Homesteading?

According to Wikipedia “Currently the term homesteading applies to anyone who is a part of the back to the land movement and who chooses to live a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle. While land is no longer freely available in most areas of the world, homesteading remains as a way of life. A new city homesteading movement is gaining in popularity. It can be viewed as a simple living lifestyle, incorporating small-scale agriculture, sustainable and permaculture gardening, and home food production and storage into suburban or city living.”


uBuilder Plans supports the homesteading ideal!

My favorite quote describing homesteading comes from the book Country Wisdom: The Art of Successful Homesteading by the editors of Countryside magazine. It states:
” If home is where your heart is, then that”s where your homestead is, too. Too many prospective homesteaders think they have to move, or worse, have to move to some relatively wild and unsettled location. For some, this is because they don”t have a very realistic picture of what modern homesteading is really all about. Others simply fail to see the opportunities that lie untapped in their own backyards …. there are homesteaders in just about any location you could think of: not only in deep forests and on mountain slopes, … but on suburban lots, small town tracts, and even in the tiny yards of large cities. … Some people grow sprouts in a closet and mushrooms under the kitchen sink. they bake their own bread from home-ground wheat and sew at least some of their own clothes. They are at least partially self-sufficient without so much as a square inch of land. ”

This book (ISBN 0-8306-0076-0) is definitely a must read, as is the magazine Countryside & Small Stock Journal, which is chock full of information for the new homesteader.

We hope that our easy to build plans will help you to be more self-sufficient and live a fuller more fulfilling life.

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